How You Can Use PPC to Grow Your Affiliate Business

Table of Contents

PPC, What Is It About?

There is a multitude of affiliate marketing strategies to help grow your business. In this article, we will dive into the basics of using Pay Per Click Marketing (PPC).

Related Questions For Using PPC For Affiliate Marketing

To get started, here are some of the most common questions regarding the use of PPC in affiliate marketing:

How Can PPC Be Used For Affiliate Marketing?

PPC can be used to help boost traffic to your website or landing page at a faster rate than if you were to rely solely on organic traffic.

How can I make my affiliate business successful?

There is no need to take an affiliate marketing course! There are so many recipes for creating a thriving affiliate business. All you need to know are the key ingredients: 

  • Selecting a niche and understanding your audience
  • Build an email list
  • Create a captivating website or landing page
  • Offer original and high-quality content
  • Keep your audience engaged
  • And include your affiliate links by presenting them as seamlessly as possible

How Do I Grow My Affiliate Program?

If you are looking for brand affiliates to help sell your product or service, make your affiliate program attractive to publishers by offering competitive commissions and making it easy to sign up. Join affiliate networks that can link you with publishers who have access to an audience related to your niche.

How do you make money with affiliate links?

Every time someone purchases a product or a service through an affiliate link, the publisher will get a kickback from the company, usually in the form of a commission. Affiliate links also create an increase in sales and web traffic. The publisher of the affiliate link makes a revenue each time a purchase or desired action with their link is complete.

PPC: A Simple Concept

One of the most popular strategies applied to affiliate businesses is Pay-per-click (PPC), also known as cost-per-click. This internet advertising model consists of advertisers paying publishers (usually a website or search engine) every time someone clicks on an ad. These ads will redirect users to the advertisers’ site or landing page.

Organic vs Paid Marketing


It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that in online marketing, we can find both organic and paid strategies. Organic strategies take longer to materialize, but it is the ideal approach to start with if you’re on a small budget, as there are barely any costs associated.

Some examples of organic strategies are the use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), including quality content with keywords that help boost your ranking, using social media, and word of mouth.

Paid marketing strategies involve paying for ads on websites or search engines. You have greater control over who sees your content when you buy your ad, and you will see results faster. However, it is essential to use PPC only when you can afford to, ensuring you have sufficient income to cover the costs.

PPC Tips for E-Commerce

Organics strategies require more time and rely heavily on the creation of good content. That said, paid strategies such as PPC will succeed, primarily if your audience is driven to a page with quality content anyways.

You can also implement organic and paid strategies in combination to optimize their success. Organic marketing is a great place to start, and paid ads will help supplement your marketing until the organic sources pick up.

Geolocalization? Yes, Please!

It is important to not just start with PPC but to build a powerful strategy that will boost the results of your efforts. Read on if you want to know more about strategy building for Affiliate Marketing.

Selecting the Niche

Start with finding a niche that you are interested in and to which you can relate. Study your market to understand your audience and determine who you are advertising to.  You are more likely to succeed if you’re able to find publishers who promote products or services they’re genuinely passionate about. The sincerity of those publishers is naturally more credible, which works well on many social platforms.

Conduct Keyword Research

It is crucial to find the most popular keywords related to your selected niche. Research as to what your audience is typing to find the products you are selling (what exactly are their purchase intent keywords).

Make use of free tools available on the internet, such as Google’s Keyword Tool, which provides you with a year’s worth of historical search trends. Considering Google is the world’s largest search engine, this is a handy tool.

Write Attractive PPC Ads

You have a small space to grab a web browser’s attention, so use it wisely.

  • Hook the reader with a powerful headline: your audience should be triggered to learn more about your product, just by reading the headline of your content.
  • Insist, but respectfully: your offer needs to be compelling, without making it too cheesy or too obviously a straightforward sale. Provide actual value to the reader, to make your content and offer more appealing.
  • State a clear CTA: it is essential to include an obvious and straightforward call to action, so the reader knows what to do next.
  • Use your found keywords: include your keywords in the ad’s text, and wherever else possible.
  • Include active verbs: you have limited space, so offer quick, straightforward information. Make it brief and to the point. The ad itself is not the place to include long, embellished sentences.

Offer More Than a Space For Dropping Affiliate Marketing Links

Google’s algorithms don’t appreciate low-value PPC pages, and they will, therefore, not appear as top results. Avoid becoming a thin affiliate by always ensuring you have a reliable landing page, which continuously provides appealing content.

Build a Community

The goal as an affiliate marketer is not only to create content and sell but to build a community. Regularly engage with your audience, let them get to know you and learn from you. This way, you can build relationships based on trust, which will help turn your leads into loyal customers.

CTA = Call to action

Build Effective Landing Pages

Build a Landing Page that your users get redirected to once they click your ad. Make sure it’s beneficial. A landing page is more straightforward than a website. It offers a more focused and direct call to action.

Your page should include: a headline, a sub-headline, a focused CTA, clearly outlined features and benefits, as well as social proof and trust symbols. At the same time, it needs to be free from clutter and should not include loads of content, which can be distracting and direct users elsewhere.

Add Pictures And Testimonials

Nothing captures users’ attention like pictures! Landing pages need sharp contextual images that are unique. The more realistic, the more relatable, so avoid using stock images. Be careful not to overload your page with too many pictures either, because it can be confusing and overwhelming, plus it lowers the loading time of your page. The goal is to keep users focused on your CTA. 

Include trust signals such as testimonials, reviews, contact information, performance figures, accreditations, and payment assurance. These automatically assure your users that they can trust you with their private information.


Remember to keep a close eye on your ads’ performance. At the start, it is especially important. Finding the right keywords is a process of trial, error, and A/B testing until you get the right keywords with the best results. Monitoring the performance of your ads, keywords, and landing page will help you make the necessary adjustments until  It is a process of trial and error until you find the perfect approach. 

But don’t forget to keep monitoring and testing, algorithms, and best approaches can change over time. Never assume that you won’t be able to make any more improvements to your content.

Conclusion: To Sum It All Up

The Pay-Per-Click method can boost your affiliate marketing with great success, as long as you have the right amount of patience. You must master your online marketing skills,  because it lets you achieve a higher AdWords quality score, lowers your Cost-per-click, and increase conversions on the offers you are running using paid advertising. It takes some getting used to, but you will be able to create significant revenue with this method.

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